Board of Directors Nominations

Here are some attributes of an ideal Board member for which the Nominating Committee is looking:
  • Has a heart for and is fully supportive of the mission and ministry of St. John’s Lutheran Church (SJLC). 
  • Has actively participated in a ministry connected to achieving the mission of SJLC.
  • Is a conceptual thinker – is able to connect abstract, contrasting ideas to deepen understanding, create new ideas and reflect on past decisions. 
  • Has a good understanding of the “big picture.” 
  • Is able to see the implications of directions, strategy and sets of facts.
  • Is a critical thinker. Is able to analyze information objectively and make a reasoned judgment. 
  • Makes decisions in the best interest of the entire church. 
  • Is cognizant of “ownership interests” within the church. Does not seek his/her own agenda.
  • Exhibits personal commitment. 
  • Regularly prepares for and attends all meetings.
  • Participates beyond minimal expectations. 
  • Regularly volunteers without waiting to be asked.
  • Has group skills. Is able to work well with others during conversations, projects, meetings or other collaborations. Communicates well, actively listens and is responsible and honest. 
  • Can lead when needed to do so. 
  • Helps group operate by its policies. 
  • Is regular in worship/prayer/personal and group Bible Study, as well as proportional financial giving and service to God. 
  • Is committed in relationships. 
  • Is cheerful and giving. Reaches out to others

If you have someone you would like to nominate, please submit their name here (deadline is October 11, 2024):