SJLC Board of Directors 

As a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, our church is congregationally led.
Therefore, it is very important to have board members who have a heart for the ongoing kingdom work chosen by the congregation of St. John’s here in Bakersfield and to be transparent in all works planned and completed for the good of God's kingdom.

Board of Director Candidates

Andrea Crosby Hagen

Andrea has been a member of St. John’s all her life.  She was baptized at St. John’s and attended St. John’s Preschool and Elementary Schools.  She was also confirmed at St. John’s.  
She and her husband Kris were married at St. John’s in 2005. They have three children who have participated in student ministries, first communion and confirmation classes.
Andrea has served St. John’s in a number of areas including Angel Tree, Sunday School, AWANA, and VBS.
Andrea is a high school guidance counselor of 17 years at California Virtual Academy.  She is a graduate of Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo and holds a master’s degree in school counseling from CSUB.
Andrea has served on the Board of Directors for St. John’s for 3 years.  She believes her experience growing up in the church, being a parent, woman and educator, provides her with  insight into the growing needs of our congregation.

Becky Wilson

Becky has been a member of St. John’s for 26 years.
Becky and her husband Chip have 3 daughters all who graduated from St. John’s School.
Becky has served in a variety of areas during her life at St. John’s.  She currently serves on the WASC accreditation team for SJLS.  She has been a teacher at both the Children’s Center and the Elementary School of St. John’s for 12 years.  She has also been a member of the Senior Choir, a participant in Women’s Bible study, a Pumpkin Fest volunteer and a MOPS leader.
Becky is currently in her 8th year at Bakersfield Christian High School.  She works as an academic counselor and has previously taught mathematics.
Becky considers St. John’s an important part of the life of her family and her.  She wants it to thrive and be an integral part of the Bakersfield community.  She believes she has been gifted to solve problems which is a valuable gift to be used in service to the church.

Nik Palla

Nik grew up in Buttonwillow as the son of a third-generation cotton farmer.  He went on to get a degree in Business Administration from CSUB and then began working in the finance department of a local tractor dealership.  In 2012 he returned to the family farming business where he grew cotton, almonds, alfalfa and pistachios. In 2016 he started a small agricultural business which he still operates today.  In 2017 he had the opportunity to also begin working for a local industrial pest control business and in 2018 he purchased the business.
Nik has been active in many areas of St. John’s ministries.  He plays the drums in the worship band. He also participates in the Pumpkin Fest, October Fest, Jingle Jam, A Bountiful Affair and the SJLS golf tournament.
Nik believes God led his family to St. John’s to serve Him and its people.   He has seen God work in his life as he has been faced with some challenging events and he would consider it an honor to give back by serving on the Board of Directors.

Brian Devitt

Brian has been a member of St. John’s for 34 years.   He and his wife Bailey have been married for 18 years and have two children who have attended St. John’s preschool and elementary school. 
Brian graduated from CSUB with a degree in Economics.  He has been a high school teacher with the Kern High School District for 21 years, seven of which at West High and the past 14 years at Stockdale High.  He has been an assistant dean, taught a wide variety of subjects and has also done much athletic coaching.  
Brian has been active in many of St. John’s activities including Pumpkin Fest, Sunday School, and Vacation Bible School. He also helps with the high school group.  He currently serves as an elder and an elder representative to the Board of Directors.
Brian believes his vast and varied background in education would be of value to the BOD when it considers the future of the school and preschool. 

John Guerard 

John has been a St. John’s member for 11 years.
He and his wife Susan have three children and four grandchildren.
John’s entire career has been in agriculture.  He spent 14 years with the University of California as a farm advisor.   He then went on to spend 17 years with Bolthouse Farms as the Director of Agronomy and Grower Relations.   Then he spent 13 years with Grimmway Farms, first as Assistant Director of Farming and then as General Manager of Carrot Production and Grower Relations.
John is an active member of St. John’s Senior Choir and he also sponsors children to attend Angaza Lutheran Schools.  He has participated in several Bible Studies and is active in a Life Group.
John believes his long background in private industry as a general manager will bring a unique perspective as he has dealt with personnel and finance.  He has a strong desire to seek what is right and true for the church and its mission.

Hello SJLC Members

We invite you to join the voting process for the running candidates of Board of Directors. Voting will take place on December 8th, 2024, after the 10:30am worship service.